High-speed broadband internet with blockchain brings billions into crypto

One of the biggest problems many technology companies have faced in the last several decades is bringing the majority of the African population into the global economy. As high-speed internet becomes faster and more affordable in many places throughout the globe, Africa’s infrastructure remains untouched mainly, particularly in more remote parts of the sub-Saharan region.

Unfortunately, only 22% of the continent has access to high-speed internet, a number that broadly represents its urban areas. Mobile towers are incredibly outdated, with 91% of mobile users needing to rely on 2G or 3G networks. One blockchain startup is working to change that.

Why does Africa need 3air?

3air, a blockchain-based startup bridging the gap between Africa’s connectivity problems and the vast potential for cryptocurrency throughout the continent, will bring high-speed broadband internet access and decentralized finance to Africa’s large cities in the coming years. The company plans to use wireless mesh technology and NFT subscriptions to connect over 300 million new users to the internet and web3.

With these products, 3air hopes to empower Sub-Saharan Africans by connecting them to the global economy. Hardware is an essential part of internet connectivity service. 3air will use K3 Last Mile technology to provide up to 1 GBPS dedicated internet connectivity in a 50km radius around a base station. These stations can be built nearly anywhere; they’ve been deployed in nine countries across three continents.

How can NFTs be a part of the financial solution?

Through its broadband access, 3air will provide many other services, including banking services, microloans, and cryptocurrency wallets. 3air offers purchasable NFTs, providing internet access as a subscription. Unlike traditional connectivity contracts, NFTs don’t force users into a time commitment. Customers can instead resell their tokens to others on a decentralized market. NFT subscriptions don’t require a bank account or home address, so limitations are no longer an issue.

How can one avail of cash-to-crypto options?

In this model, transferring the subscription also becomes an option; if a user moves, they can transfer the service to another resident instead of canceling and rehiring services. In addition, once users are onboarded to Web3 through this service, 3air will provide on-the-ground learning services to onboard users quicker and with cash-to-crypto options that don’t require onboarding through a checking account.

Web3 is a complicated concept for anyone to wrap their head around, and the company believes that providing these services will connect Africans to the global economy more quickly. 3air will teach new users about blockchain-related topics, such as opening and using a new cryptocurrency wallet, how to use the new Web3 internet, and other complex subjects that one may have difficulty learning independently.

What benefits are offered by 3air?

With the internet service and blockchain that 3air provides, 3air will offer additional services on top of the internet connection. Banking is complex for those who do not have physical access to a bank, which are far and few between in Sub-Saharan Africa. Through 3air’s blockchain, users can store currency, use currency as payment, and utilize other services banks provide, such as loans, savings, and checking accounts.

The 3air marketplace is already open to the public and works with African artists and creators to uplift them globally. By providing internet service first, 3air will later be able to extend many other services, such as banking, microloans, and Web3 teaching services. African talents and businesses should be able to expand much quicker than they would without this connectivity. With a complete blockchain, proven hardware, and a steady roadmap, African users should expect these general services to arrive starting in 2023.

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