Sam Bankman-Fried May Soon Be Banned From Playing League Of Legends – ‘Beaten’ By A Little Girl?

It appears now that the gaming days of Sam Bankman-Fried may soon be over.

This, as U.S. prosecutors press for stricter restrictions on the former FTX CEO’s use of electronic devices.

A federal judge imposed a fresh bail limitation on SBF on Tuesday after discovering that the former crypto exchange big boss has been using a virtual private network (VPN) to watch football over the past few weeks.

Under the proposed measures, Bankman-Fried would be restricted from using mobile phones, computers, tablets and the internet, with very limited exceptions for studying pre-trial material, accessing emails and contacting with attorneys.

The purpose of the prohibition is to reduce the likelihood of Bankman-Fried tampering with evidence or interacting with others to obstruct the legal procedures.

No More Video Games For Sam Bankman-Fried?

The restriction, for sure, will also mean game over for Bankman-Fried, who is well-known for his love of video games, especially “League of Legends.”

He tweeted in February 2021 that he is “(in)famous” for playing the multiplayer online game “during phone calls.”

According to claims, he was also discovered playing the game at a pitch meeting with investors from Sequoia Capital.

“SBF is playing League of Legends while FTX crumbles around him and the authorities close in you could not make this up,” Parik Patel, a crypto parody account, said on Twitter in November last year.

Patel even uploaded a purported screenshot of Bankman-Fried participating in a League match.

According to individuals close to SBF, he enjoys playing video games to unwind and clear his thoughts.

His participation in the gaming sector has contributed to his reputation as a tech-savvy entrepreneur with a love for the gaming industry.

U.S. Authorities Not Comfy With VPNs

VPNs enable internet users to conceal their location, preventing the government from monitoring the websites and data they access.

Though they can be used for good intentions, authorities say they can also be used to access foreign crypto sites that restrict U.S. users – including the dark web, discreetly.

US authorities have been keeping an eye 24/7 on Sam Bankman-Fried even while he’s under house arrest with his mom and dad at their residence in California.

Outside, government agents with guns on tinted SUVs patrol the perimeters leading to the house. A chopper can sometimes be seen hovering above; it’s the ‘eye in the sky’, some reports say.

Inside of the residence, Bankman-Fried walks freely, but with an electronic device strapped on his ankles to monitor his movement.

You have to be a very important man to have all these eyes and ears around you.

Members of the cryptocurrency community were left outraged after the bail terms of Sam Bankman-Fried were revealed.

Can Sam Bankman-Fried Re-Spawn And Be Powerful Again?

SBF, who was once among the rising stars in the world’s highly-stacked billionaires’ roster, can have the amenities he wants while under restraint, for – why not?

He definitely still has the power to acquire them. Or, perhaps not this time.

As Nocturne (Eternal Nightmare) of League of Legends would say: “Cut them from this world!”

Sure looks now the U.S. authorities are doing just that to Bankman-Fried and Co.

But, Annie, The Dark Child, says it best: “Beaten by a little girl.”

-Featured image from The Live Mirror


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