Ethereum blockchain could help Somalia sovereignty

TL:DR Breakdown

  • Somalia and Kenya divorced after collaborating.
  • Kenya accommodates 200,000 Somalian refugees.
  • The Ethereum blockchain is known for being very secure.

Ethereum blockchain could help Somalia sovereignty

three brown camels on brown grass field during daytime

Somalia and Kenya divorced after collaborating. According to Somalia, Kenya just seemed to cross over the line into Somalia sovereignty territory. The official statement suggested that Kenya was crossing not only the sovereignty of Somalia but its integrity, unity, and political independence.

The statement occurred on a live broadcast by Minister Osman Dubbe yesterday. In the announcement, the minister declared that his country had completely cut ties with Kenya.

The severed relationship came as a result of numerous calls from Somalia to Kenya to not interfere in its sovereignty. Kenya had interfered with Somalian affairs before the general election.

Somalia has requested its diplomates in Kenya leave the country immediately. Kenyan diplomats in Somalia will have to leave in seven days. Kenya did not want the row to erupt in the way that it did.

Cyrus Oguna, the foreign ministry spokesperson for Kenya said his country was looking for a solution. The spokesperson explained that Kenya accommodates 200,000 Somalian refugees.

If there is ever to be a peaceful relationship between the two countries, Somalia must consider using the Ethereum blockchain to secure its information and host its elections.

Ethereum blockchain

gold and black round emblem

The Ethereum blockchain is known for being very secure. The Ethereum blockchain is a handy tool because of its Decentralized Finance smart contracts which do not need a central force to exert information or power.

The decentralization of the information makes it more secure as it is less likely to be distorted. Any top secret information can be codified. The information can also be stored and conditioned to do different things using the unique blockchain system meaning that Somalia could store top-secret information in the blockchain ledger.

The ETH 2.0, which is the upgraded version of the ETH 1.0, will require 16 validators meaning that there is 16 different way to check that the system and information are secure. Thanks to the ETH blockchain countries can do a whole host of things such as to send and store information as well as even enable people to vote.

US election

I voted #USelections2020

Somalia could take a leaf out of the US, which is ahead of the game in using blockchain technology to maintain election integrity. On the 13th of October 2020, blockchain voting became a reality.

Voatz is a blockchain voting platform that is a cheaper alternative to the usual voting system. More importantly, on the Ethereum blockchain voting and all things election could be cast and kept securely.

Ethereum is a peer to peer technology, meaning that people can directly send their information to whoever they want to in the most transparent way.

If Somalia happens to change its mind to protect the 200,000 refugees staying in Kenya, then blockchain is the best way to protect its sovereignty. Blockchain technology has the power to protect Somalia’s information and ensure that it stays where it belongs.

Somalia and Kenya do not have to be split for good when the Ethereum blockchain is involved. Blockchain can help protect Somalia sovereignty.

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