Explore the world of altcoin CryptoArt

TL:DR Breakdown

  • CryptoArt is a political statement.
  • Bitcoin inspired CryptoArt.
  • CryptoArt is going mainstream.

Explore the world of altcoin CryptoArt

blue, black, and orange abstract painting

Altcoin CryptoArt is unique digital pieces of art which are associated with cryptocurrencies. The artworks celebrate the unique and limited nature of cryptocurrencies as they are limited too.

The CryptoArt often expresses the power behind the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies through pictures. Bitcoin’s launch amassed a movement of digital coins that were similar to BTC that nearly did not have a central power controlling the coin.

It is no surprise that people have made art around the power and freedom that comes from the peer to peer system that cryptocurrencies enforce. As there is no central force for crypto users, there is no third-party intermediary that could interfere with your money.

The potency of the digital world comes from the ability to transfer, buy, and store your funds anywhere, online, knowing that your money is safe and secure. Cryptocurrencies can embody a movement away from banks and fake currency to a more transparent and lucrative venture.

Dive into the Altcoin CryptoArt themes

abstract painting

There are several key themes within CryptoArt, and one obvious one is that they are usually digital, just like the coins they associate with. People participate in art all over the world, so they are not pinned to one location.

Like altcoins CryptoArt is for everyone regardless of your age, gender, race, or beliefs so is not targeted at one group. The artworks link with cryptocurrencies to keep the experience decentralized as much as possible.

Many cryptoArtists do not reveal their identity to elevate the privacy theme. In Ethereum, you can encrypt data so that the wrong people do not see the data. CryptoArt is often a meme that can spread quickly.

The work is usually unconventional.


assorted-color paint strokes artwork

Rare Pepe and Bitcoin

three gold-colored bitcoins on black surface

Bitcoin is an inspiration not just for Altcoins but CryptoArt. Most CryptoArt started by focusing on Bitcoin naturally because Bitcoin was one of the first cryptocurrencies to launch.

If you go to rarepepewallet.com, you will be greeted by a cool happy frog with a Rare Pepe wallet to reciprocate the crypto wallets. The wallet is to keep your Rare Pepe Directory pictures where you find tonnes of unique pictures with a frog theme.

One picture has a frog looking at a grave crying because it knows it is not the end. The frog is thinking about the cryptocurrency it possesses. At the bottom of the picture reads, ‘this is not the end, it is the beginning of memories’.

Crypto Punks and Ethereum

gold and black round emblem

Crypto Punks is an online platform with digital characters, each owned by an ETH user. Initially, there were 10,000 free characters up for grabs but once these were used up the process stopped becoming free.

The characters people can bid for via the blockchain marketplace. Punks that are purple are the ones that people can bid on.

Etsy.com and Altcoins

three shorts on shelf

Etsy.com is a platform where anyone and everyone can create art and sell it, and if you go there, you will find loads of crypto inspired art pieces on a more mainstream platform. The irony of Etsy.com is it does not accept cryptocurrency.

The fact that AltcoinArt is readily accessible now shows how the crypto world is changing and becoming more mainstream.

Digital art must live on, and people continue to make a political statement with it. As cryptocurrency becomes more widely, famous artists must cling on to the essence of the crypto coins they aim to emulate or risk losing the point to CryptoArt.

CryptoArt goes to show how much there is to say about the crypto world that needs to be heard.

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